
Helping Oppressed People Excel


About Hope...

HOPE stands for Helping Oppressed People Excel and was founded by Antoin Quarles to do just that: give men and women hope as they navigate the many barriers that can hinder a successful transition to life after incarceration. We do this through a combination of mentorship, service connection (job training, resume prep), and accountability. We help our clients develop a 45 day plan, and provide support and mentorship to help them follow through. HOPE clients can then go on to become advocates for those who come after them.

Meetings take place on Tuesday nights from 5:30 - 6:45 PM in the Gallery (downstairs, off Read Street). Meal provided.

In addition to providing space for meetings, the Emmanuel parish partners with HOPE for various outreach activities.



HOPE has its roots in the Public Safety Compact and the Safe and Sound Campaign and strives to do similar work. Learn more:
Safe and Sound
Public Safety Compact video

Both HOPE and Antoin have been featured extensively in The Baltimore Sun, linked below.
The pandemic is not over for Black people
Baltimore organization HOPE works to reintegrate the formerly incarcerated into the city and society
Reentering Maryland society after decades in prison can be difficult. These programs attempt to help.