Emmanuel’s 2024 Annual Giving Campaign

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17:8

Grace and peace to you.

So many of the letters of the New Testament begin with this phrase, or some form of it. It’s more than a greeting, it is an offer, an extension from author to reader, from storyteller to listener, “Here, I’m sharing with you grace and peace.” We do a similar thing in worship, we share our peace with those around us, we share a moment of our story. We join those ancient letter writers in sharing from our deepest selves, knowing that both grace and peace are endlessly renewing resources. God will continue to bless us so that we may be a blessing.

With that in mind, we are delighted to announce the theme of our annual stewardship faith-and-fundraising campaign: Rooted in Abundance. In three words, we acknowledge that our very being is grounded in an inexhaustible source and we are inspired to give out of our abundant blessings. This is not transactional – we do not give in proportion to how we feel we have benefitted or suffered – rather we give because of the love we have experienced in the story of our faith. Likewise, we do not give just to pay the church’s bills but, rather, to share God’s love for all people. Even as we face challenging times together, let us each individually and as a spiritual collective dig deep into what nourishes us and be inspired to giving and service in a world that desperately needs the grace, peace, healing and love Emmanuel offers.

Today we invite you to spend some time in prayer and to reflect on the abundance of God’s love. And from that abundance, we invite you to pledge financial support for Emmanuel Episcopal Church in 2024. Tap into that nourishing structure of faith and generosity shown to us in our community. Tap into the beauty of the church buildings, worship, and music; the wisdom of study groups and forum hours; and the love shared in fellowship and service. Recognize the abundance of God’s gifts for you and make an offering of gratitude in support of Emmanuel.

And know that, no matter the amount you pledge, every gift is treasured and deeply appreciated.

To make your pledge for 2024, please click the button below and complete the online form. If you prefer to use a paper pledge card, you will find one available in the lobby of the church. Please submit your pledge by December 22, 2023.

And, while you are here visiting our website, please consider arranging to fulfill your pledge through Emmanuel’s online giving platform. Setting up a recurring payment at an interval that suits your needs is an easy and convenient way to complete your pledge promise. Other options for payment include using your bank’s online bill-paying system, or paying by check.

Thank you for your support of Emmanuel. Your presence, your prayers, and your love make possible all the ways in which Emmanuel enriches the lives of our congregation, neighbors, community, and so many others.